For a Limited Time Preorder All 16 Expert Interviews
for ONLY $47 (reg. price $97)
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You can choose to view or listen online, or download and add this empowering collection of
Self-Care for Body, Mind & Soul to your personal self-care library.
Hear your host Annika Ek, Functional Nutritionist & Wisdom Coach, in engaging conversations with her guests. You'll want pen and paper at the ready when listening to catch all the potentially life-changing gems these conversations unearth.
Week 1 - Body: Learn about Anti-inflammatory Eating, Cooking & Living, The Importance of Stretching, Empowering Morning Routines, Pain-Free Living, Happier Healthier Gut, Intermittent Fasting, and How To Exercise After 40.
Week 2 - Mind: Learn about Aligning Your Voices Within, Music, Memory & Your Mind, How To Live Your Full Potential, How To Create Affirmations That Work, and How To Get Emotional Freedom Fast.
Week 3 - Soul: Learn about the Dolphin Joy & Whale Wisdom, How To Understand Your Vibrational Frequency, Being Conscious Together, The Power of Frequency Healing, and How Health & Wisdom Set the Stage for Impact.
For a limited time when you preorder "The Interviews" claim your Basic Membership in TrulyU Women's Circle for FREE for one full year (value $297)! What's the catch you may ask. All you have to do is show up to at least one of two monthly calls to keep your membership in good standing! :-)
Wonderful talk. Very inspiring! Thank you. It really helped me understand some of the changes I have made like main meal at lunch by just following my body and my intuition. Gratitude to both of you for sharing your passion!
This is so very interesting!! Every time I listen to Kate I get to know more and more about brain health - so happy about your work Kate, and Annika - you are doing an incredible service!!
Love the conversation you are having - I love the style - it’s so calming!! Thank you very much Annika and Andrea.
"What an interesting conversation. Thank you both!"
"Thank you very much, very helpful!"
(c) All Rights Reserved 2021 Annika Ek International Inc. | TrulyU Health & Wisdom