All the amazing experts (28!) sharing their gifts are offering some of their best tools and resources for FREE, so you can have more Health, Wisdom and Impact in your life! For years they have invested in themselves so they can be of service at a higher level and help more people. Learning from these generous individuals will enrich your life.
The last year has been challenging for all for all of us, and there is no better time than NOW to take action with the guidance of these experts in the fields of health, wisdom and impact. Welcome & Enjoy the Gifts!
Erin Dragonsong
Joanna Armstrong
Andrea Hayley- Sankaran
Michael Challenger
Heather Dempsey
Sandra Zimmer
Robin Hoch
Tammy Braswell
Paula Meyer
Marie-Claire Thauvette
Janelle Anderson
Sharon CassanoLochman
Swanette Kuntze
Fiona McAllister
Donnelda Cochrane
Jennifer Cunningham
Lee Atherton
Jennifer Tosian
Meghan DiCocco
Nicki Chang-Powless
Adam Weber
Carmen Reed-Gilkison
Lynn Neville
Ann Metcalfe
Zsa-Zsa Tudos
Emma McKay
Beverly Lawrence
Ute Coyne-Pollig
Annika Ek RHN Functional Nutritionist & Wisdom Coach
Annika Ek is a Functional Nutritionist and Wisdom Coach.
Annika’s work is guided by the following 3 words; Health, Wisdom and Impact. Keep reading and you will understand why.
Annika discovered that weaving together Health and Wisdom sets the stage for powerful and lasting shifts with regards to health and healing at all levels of our being, and being on the evolutionary path.
Annika works with women, most of them are 40+ and business owners. When heart-centered female entrepreneurs come together in community, to invest in their health, and make space for a consistent wisdom practice that guides and inspires, the stage is set for powerful positive Impact in the world.
Annika hosts the private community TrulyU Women’s Circle, where she teaches on the topic of Health with a focus on anti-inflammatory eating and living. Under the Wisdom banner we learn about wisdom teachings from around the world and through the history. Inside the community we can accomplish together what would not be possible alone.